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No Exit

March 2019



A concept for staging Jean-Paul Sartre’s No exit, based on his notion that hell are the people who surround us. In an abandoned concrete building three sets of actors simultaneously put on slightly varied versions of the same play in three separate rooms.












One would focus mostly on the character Estelle and is set in Sartre’s original, early 20th century environment with the acting style traditionally theatrical. The second, which would be set in the present day, a time and place in disarray, would focus on Garcin and feature film-style, hyper realistic acting. The third and final one, focusing on Ines, would be set in the uncertain and uncomfortable future, actor’s movements and words being symbolic and out of synch with heavy elements of biomechanics.












Each piece would be repeated three times, as the audience would also be split into three groups, seeing all three pieces in various orders. That way both the actors and the audience are trapped in this hell, spanning time and space, which keeps repeating itself.


Reference Contact:


assoc. prof. Pepi Peter Sekulich

Tutor and Founder at AVA Academy

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